Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Best Easter Ever!!

Easter was soooo much fun.  We started our Easter week with a messy egg coloring session.  I didn't want the kids to ruin their clothes, so they are all only in their underwear.  A little hill-billy, but it's cool.

Then On Thursday Dane's school had a Easter show/party.  Dane looked super cute in his bunny ears and surprisingly sang the songs rather well.    
Finally the big day arrived..... Easter!!!   Our family went to church with Justin's parents and were reminded of the real reason we celebrate Easter,  our beloved Savior's resurrection.  Afterword, we went to Justin's parents house and the Kids got their Easter baskets.      

We finished the day with a Dickson Family water war.  Mercy was showed to no one, not even Calie.  It was such a fun day, the only way it could have been better, were if Shira and Devin were there.    


shira said...

So cute, little Calie all wet from the water fight. I wish we were there. We didn't do anything but go to church Easter Sunday. The kids looks so cute! I like your Easter hot!

Unknown said...

You should make a large photo of you getting soaked with the hose!

Chris & Jackie Kontoes said...

Calie with the Sunglasses is way to cute and sassy! Watch out boys! I am so proud that you have kept updating your blog. You are so busy and I am amazed that you found time. I picture the kids standing on your head asking for fruit leathers while you are typing. You are awesome!