We had an exciting first week of school. Dane is back at Mrs. Shirley's going three days a week, and Dustin started kindergarden. Both of the boys love their teachers and are so happy to be back in school. I am also glad school is back in session.
Here is Dustin at his first day of kindergarden. He has grown up a lot this summer, in height and personality. He gets super shy when girls talk to him. He looks down at his shoes and tries to ignore them. It is so cute. He is also the tallest boy in his class. What a catch he will be in 12 years.
Doesn't it seem crazy that your oldest is in Kindergarten and Dane is in preschool....wow you must be having fun with one at home:). Since Ry is in Kindergarten I have enjoyed spending time with Brooklyn and of course miss Ry, but it's nice to have time one on one. Dustin and Dane are such handsome boys and ya you will have your hands full especially when they are in those fun dating stages...although you have a few years until then.
i love the pic of you and dustin! you look so beautiful and dustin looks so darn cute!
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